Supercaps (4)

Leveraging Supercapacitors for Efficient Wireless Power in Smart Logistics

Smart warehousing involves the strategic deployment of robotics and automation to optimize the day-to-day operations and management of warehouses. Together, these systems enable seamless and uninterrupted connectivity, predictive capabilities and real-time adaptation for logistics-reliant companies looking to improve efficiency.

Here, we explore how supercapacitors support or even overtake battery technology in key smart logistics technologies. Discover why these advanced energy storage systems outperform traditional batteries in key areas, including: 

  • Faster charging and discharging times
  • Greater energy efficiency  
  • Higher reliability with over 500,000 charge/discharge cycles
  • Safer operation with reduced thermal risks 

Download "Leveraging Supercapacitors for Efficient Wireless Power in Smart Logistics" to learn about the benefits of this technology in warehousing applications. 


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