Knowles Difference
What sets Knowles apart from the competition?
We’ve taken to video to answer your most frequently asked questions! Didn’t find your answer or still have questions? Contact Us!
What sets Knowles apart from the competition?
Learn why you should trust our engineering team.
Why trust Knowles' components for a space mission?
How do we achieve the Q needed for low insertion loss?
Why do ceramics differ in color?
Learn more about how we package our products.
What is repeatability in RF performance?
Do filters need covers?
Why can't we build just one filter?
How is Knowles' test data so accurate?
Learn more about alumina and why is costs you in both performance and price.
Why is temperature stability important?
Why is coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) important in surface mount filters?
We design, manufacture and test Build-To-Print (BTP) thin film filters. Our understanding of tolerances helps maximize RF performance.
There are times when Build-to-Print (BTP) filters might not be the right choice.
Learn when you should Build-to-Print vs. when you should Build-to-Spec.
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